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Rebirth Garments

Palestinian Liberation Now!

Until Further notice, 25% of all sales and 100% of Palestine themed sticker sales are going to Seraj, a 21 year old student from Gaza who has been forcibly displaced in the camps in Khan Yunis. I will post receipts on my Instagram as proof.

Donate directly to Palestinian folks in Gaza. Protest! Donate eSIMs at ! BDS! Call your reps!

Rebirth Garments are gender non-conforming wearables and accessories centering Non-binary, Trans, Disabled and Mad Queers of all sizes and ages.

Binder and Gaff orders are open!

We are slowly pivoting our work more towards teaching youth as my (Sky’s) disabilities have become more impactful of my physical ability to produce work. I hope that by imparting my knowledge to youth and support them in creating their own clothing lines, that they will be able to fill in the gaps!


Rebirth Garments

Palestinian Liberation Now!

Until Further notice, 25% of all sales and 100% of Palestine themed sticker sales are going to Seraj, a 21 year old student from Gaza who has been forcibly displaced in the camps in Khan Yunis. I will post receipts on my Instagram as proof.

Donate directly to Palestinian folks in Gaza. Protest! Donate eSIMs at ! BDS! Call your reps!

Rebirth Garments are gender non-conforming wearables and accessories centering Non-binary, Trans, Disabled and Mad Queers of all sizes and ages.

Binder and Gaff orders are open!

We are slowly pivoting our work more towards teaching youth as my (Sky’s) disabilities have become more impactful of my physical ability to produce work. I hope that by imparting my knowledge to youth and support them in creating their own clothing lines, that they will be able to fill in the gaps!

Radical Visibility zine


Feeling confident in one’s outward appearance can revolutionize one’s emotional and political reality, thus, Rebirth Garments and the Radical Visibility Zine works in tandem as a way to nurture a community of people who have often been excluded from mainstream fashion and provide a platform for people to confidently express pride in the intersections of their identities.


Custom Made Clothes

Everything is made to order!
Garments are fully customizable and there are no standard sizes because they are tailored to your exact specifications and measurements! 

Custom Made Clothes

Everything is made to order!
Garments are fully customizable and there are no standard sizes because they are tailored to your exact specifications and measurements! 

Rebirth Garment’s mission is to create gender non-conforming wearables and accessories for queer and trans disabled folks of all sizes and ages. The line creates a community where all people can confidently express their individuality and identity. Our identity is that of Queer, Mad and Disabled, which encompasses queer, gender nonconforming identities and apparent/ non-apparent disabilities/ disorders—physical, mental, psychological, intellectual, developmental, emotional, etc. In particular, our trans and disabled communities have very particular clothing needs that are not adequately served by mainstream clothing designers. Instead of being centered on cisgender, heterosexual, white, thin people, Rebirth Garments is centered on Queer and Disabled people.

Rebirth Garments challenges mainstream beauty standards that are sizest, ableist, and conform to the gender binary. Instead, we maintain the notion of Radical Visibility, a movement based on claiming our bodies and, through the use of bright colors, exuberant fabrics, and innovative designs, highlighting the parts of us that society typically shuns. Through Radical Visibility, we refuse to assimilate and can create a QueerCrip dress reform movement.



the 21-year-old Palestinian student we are currently donating 25% of our sales to


the 21-year-old Palestinian student we are currently donating 25% of our sales to


Until Further notice, Rebirth Garments is donating 25% of our sales and 100% of Palestinian sticker sales to Seraj. By 25 percent, we mean the total sale, not just the profit, So if you buy something for $100, $25 of it is going to Seraj!

Hi all! I have been connected now to Seraj Aburaida, a Palestinian youth, since January 16, 2024. When we were first connected, he was staying in the camps in Khan Yunis but everything there was bombed. He lost everything, again, except for the clothes off his back and his phone, and was displaced for the 3rd time to Rafah. At the beginning of May, the start of the Rafah invasion forced a 4th displacement on Seraj’s family. They moved their tent to Khan Yunis again. 

Seraj was supposed to evacuate to Egypt in the days following the occupation of the Rafah border crossing. Instead of leaving to find safety and secure a future for his family, Seraj was forced to spend the money he had saved for travel on internal relocation costs. 

When fundraising for Palestine, the news changes things almost daily. We are keeping our goals flexible to provide for Seraj’s family under constantly evolving circumstances. 

Operation Olive Branch

You can find Seraj on line 319 of the Operation Olive Branch spreadsheet. For additional verification, the majority of Seraj’s fundraising team has gotten to video call with him and see proof of his location.

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Teaching Rebirth Warriors

Education is integral to Rebirth Garments!

Hire us to do virtual workshops and lectures

Now taking private students!

Teaching Rebirth Warriors

Education is integral to Rebirth Garments!

Hire us to do virtual workshops and lectures

Now taking private students!

Our founder, Sky Cubacub loves to teach, lecture and host workshops for all ages, with an affinity for working with teenagers! Sky has been doing virtual workshops, and loving them, so please reach out if you want to hire Sky to talk to your group, school, organization or club!